Why No-Code?

Around the globe, regardless of industry or business model, manufacturers are asking themselves the same question: Who will do the work?

Nordbo Robotics headquarter, Noatunvej 2 5000 Odense Denmark
Mimic EM dispensing  UR

How to deal with the Difficulties

According to a 2021 report by Deloitte, 77% of surveyed manufacturers anticipate there will be ongoing difficulties in attracting and retaining workers in 2021 and beyond. This sums up to potentially 2.1 million manufacturing jobs being/left unfilled in the US alone by 2030.

For manufacturers, the consequences can be severe in the form of reduced competitiveness, longer time-to-market, and loss of vital know-how. From a general business perspective, the lack of qualified workers poses a global problem for the manufacturing industry and has the potential of evolving into a barrier for further growth. Century-old craftsman ships are vanishing Especially in labour-intensive industries reliant on craftsmen and human skills, the threat is imminent. For centuries, we have relied on skilled craftsmen to polish, grind, paint and debur, but how can we sustain the quality and human touch of a product, if these skills go out of fashion? At the same time, these jobs are often characterised by poor working conditions and repetitive work – leading also to “brain drain” and lack of interest in the trade. Luckily, the solution is right at hand.

We can help you optimise your business and create better jobs.

Grafic image of a human in a work environmentNordbo Robotics headquarter, Noatunvej 2 5000 Odense Denmark
“At Nordbo Robotics, we bridge human skills with robot precision allowing humans to be creative, and robots – repetitive”
Leo Zhou - CEO, Nordbo Robotics
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