Mimic with IR Tracker

Mimic with IR Tracker captures human movements with infrared light and transfers them wirelessly to a robot, eliminating the need for coding. Achieve precise robotic movement by mimicking your own motions with ease.

Mimic spray painting with NACHI robot
Picture of Mimic joystick and UR robot
Mimic Spraypainting
Mimic system

Ideal applications for the IR Tracker

Mimic with IR Tracker can be used in multiple surface processing applications and it is ideal for capturing organic human movement. It provides accurate and reliable tracking of IR signals, ensuring precise and even application of paint or coating. With Mimic, you can track the location of your spray gun or coating device, resulting in high-quality and consistent results.

No-code Robotics Programming Within Industrial Manufacturing

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Automate repetitive manual tasks within surface finishing
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Reduce the amount of material waste caused by human error
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Tackle labor shortage
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Let robots take care of dangerous jobs
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Scale up your production
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Assure consistent quality output each time
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Translate your skills to precise robotic movements
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